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Code of Conduct

Council’s Code of Conduct sets the minimum requirements for behaviour for Councillors, Council staff, members of Council committees and contractors to Council in carrying out their functions.

It also identifies the standards of work performance and ethical conduct expected of all councillors, staff, committee members and contractors. The Code of Conduct assists council officials to:

  • understand and comply with the standards of conduct that are expected of them;
  • enable them to fulfil their statutory duty to act honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence (section 439); and
  • act in a way that enhances public confidence in local government.

The code is based on the key principles of integrity, leadership, selflessness, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and respect.

Current Code of Conduct

The Local Government Act 1993 requires every council to adopt a code of conduct that incorporates the provisions of The Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW.

Council at its Ordinary Council meeting on the 22 March 2023 adopted the following Code of Conduct documents as its Current Code of Conduct:

Council's Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Councillors[690Kb - PDF]
Code of Conduct for Council Staff[634Kb - PDF]
Code of Conduct for Council Committee Members, Delegates of Council and Council Advisers[602Kb - PDF]

Further documents related to Council’s Code of Conduct include the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Codes of Conduct and the Inverell Shire Council Business Ethics Statement.

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Last modified: 14-Apr-2023



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