Skin Penetration
Hairdressing, Beauty and Piercing
Premises that conduct Skin Penetration are regulated by the Public Health Act 2010 and Public Health Regulation 2012. They are regularly inspected by Council’s Environmental Health Officer for compliance with the Act.
Under the Public Health Act 2010 all premises that conduct skin penetration are required to be registered with Council prior to engaging in trade. This information is used to create a License Register of all Skin Penetration Premises in the Area. Penalties apply under the Public Health Act 2010 for failing to Notify Council of conducting a skin penetration business.
To notify council please complete and submit to Council the Registration of a new skin penetration or hairdressing premises form.
If you wish to begin a business involving skin penetration please contact Councils’ Civil and Environmental Services on (02) 6728 8200 to determine if a Development Application is required.
Last modified 16-Dec-2019