Slide 3
Slide 3

Aspirations and Destinations

Inverell Shire is a thriving regional centre in the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. Inverell Shire’s population of 16,076 makes it the third largest LGA in the New England North West region, with a further 12 percent growth projected by 2030.

To cater for this expected growth and our community profile, Council will continue to work collaboratively with stakeholders to ensure we meet the needs of our community and fulfill our vision of being ‘A Community for Everyone’.

Our Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Plan, and Operational Plan are integrated plans which underpin how we will meet the future needs of the community. These plans have been developed with the input of our community and what we aspire to. Each plan provides a roadmap for our goals and strategies for being Fit for the Future.

Four key strategic destinations are central to our planning process:

The success of our journey towards our vision will rely on partnerships between Council, government, business and the community. Council is committed to forging partnerships, exploring opportunities for increased efficiency and effectiveness and ensuring our community has a sustainable, vibrant future.

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Last modified: 01-July-2024



Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm

General Manager
PO Box 138 Inverell NSW 2360

Administration Centre

144 Otho Street
Inverell NSW 2360

Phone: (02) 6728 8288
Fax: (02) 6728 8277
ABN: 72 695 204 530