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Students lead mission to help locals

9 January 2020

A TEAM of forty school students from the Avondale School in the Lake Macquarie area has led a remarkable mission to bring festive cheer to families in Inverell Shire combatting drought.

School representatives arrived in Inverell shortly before Christmas to present mayor Paul Harmon with forty handmade gifts as well as shopping vouchers.

Among the Avondale School group was a familiar face to many, former Holy Trinity School teacher Nigel Lynn, who was born and raised in Inverell.

Mr Lynn, Head of Technology at the Avondale School made the visit with year 10 students Sophie Lynn and Scarlett Mitchell and explained the project is all about putting a smile on people’s faces.

“The project has involved forty students from design and technology, art and commerce and we also had some year nine and year eight students who came on board”.

“We have fifty gift packages and each package contains 3 model kits that our students have made on the laser cutter, hand painted and come complete with assembly instructions for young children to create their own toys”.

“Along with the gifts, we have fifty gift vouchers to be distributed to families in need due to the drought, which include vouchers for fuel, Inverell retailers as well as a local beautician and hairdressers”.

Mr Lynn explained the mission to help those in drought started at a school staff meeting in term four.

“Our Year 10 students were about to start their final two weeks of school for the year and we decided we wanted to help families in drought. Our aim was to have the students work outside their normal classes in a group activity to demonstrate the value of community service”.

The project quickly gathered momentum, with staff and students spending hours laser cutting model kits, packaging gifts and a school mufti day raised an additional $1,500.

“After speaking with the mayor, he suggested we spend this money in town at local businesses, so we’ve purchased gift vouchers in the CBD to accompany the gift packs.

Avondale School representatives presented the packages to a delighted Council mayor Paul Harmon, who praised the students for their willingness to help those in need.

“On behalf of our community, I say thank you and want the Avondale School to know our community really appreciates what you have done”.

“It’s great to see people like Nigel still have that connection with Inverell and these packages will now be distributed by Inverell Lions Club as part of the drought relief activities”.

“Sophie and Scarlett and their fellow school mates should feel very proud of their efforts to make such a positive impact”.

Image: L-R: Nigel Lynn, Head Teacher of Technology at Avondale School, Year 10 students Scarlett Mitchell and Sophie Lynn, Cr Harmon, Mayor

Image: L-R: Nigel Lynn, Head Teacher of Technology at Avondale School, Year 10 students Scarlett Mitchell and Sophie Lynn, Cr Harmon, Mayor

For further information contact:
Fiona Adams | Inverell Shire Council | PO Box 138, Inverell NSW 2360 | 02 6728 8288 |



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