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Byron Street upgrade continues

12 January 2021

A rejuvenation of Inverell’s Byron Street will commence next week as part of the third stage of the Town Centre Renewal Plan.

Mayor Paul Harmon said the works will focus on the section of Byron Street between Vivian and Lawrence Streets will commence later this week.

“These works will adjoin the previous stage, which transformed Byron Street between Coles and Best and Less and ensure Byron Street has a fresh look to attract visitors and shoppers to our CBD”.

Cr Harmon explained the 14-week works program will be fast tracked to minimise impacts on local businesses.

“Council is aware that these works will have an impact on retailers and residents and for that reason, we are committing to 12-hour workdays during construction to ensure we complete the work in the shortest period possible”.

Cr Harmon stated nine trees will be retained, ten London Plane trees will be removed and a further eleven new trees will be planted during the project.

“The initial 6 weeks of the project will focus on the northern side of Byron Street between Vivian and Lawrence Street. This means there will be no vehicle access or parking available on the ANZ Bank side of the street; however, there will be access for traffic and parallel parking on the side in front of the IGA Plaza”.

While there will be temporary changes to traffic flow in Byron Street, footpath access will remain open at all times.

“Short term, we will have some temporary alteration to parking while the project is in progress, including parallel parking on the Australian Hotel side of the street”.

Council requests road users to exercise care and consideration when travelling through the works site.

Further details regarding the Byron Street renewal works are available on Council’s Town Centre Renewal Plan webpage.

Image: Stage one traffic arrangements for the Town Centre Renewal Program.

Image: Stage one traffic arrangements for the Town Centre Renewal Program.


For further information contact:
Fiona Adams | Inverell Shire Council | PO Box 138, Inverell NSW 2360 | 02 67288288 |



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8:30am - 4:30pm

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