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Kitchen Blitz for CWA at Delungra

11 January 2019

THE Delungra base of the Country Women’s Association is set to receive a sparkling new kitchen, with Council and the Gwydir Group of CWA finalising plans this week.

Formerly the school classrooms of the Catholic Church, the double brick Burnett Street building has been home to the CWA since they purchased the facility in the late 1960’s.

Earlier this week, Council visited the CWA members at the Delungra Rooms to schedule work and discuss future plans for the building.

Inverell Shire Council mayor Paul Harmon says the soon-to-commence project will install kitchen cabinets, upgrade safety and also add new appliances, enabling the CWA to have additional storage, bench space and a more usable facility.

“The CWA members have undertaken a number of improvements and have a long term plan in place which will see the facility become the base for the CWA in the Gwydir region”.

“Council provided a grant last year to the Group, which funded the purchase of new tables and chairs, so these kitchen renovations, which are being funded by the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Programme, will really be the icing on the cake”.

Delungra CWA president Mary Shephard says the Group has a busy six months ahead, with the Rooms hosting their next meeting on 9 March as well as a handicraft and cookery judging day on 13 April.

The sprawling CWA facility currently houses a mobile preschool, Inverell Shire Library outreach branch, and non-denominational church services. Mrs. Shephard believes the slated upgrade will also attract additional hire usage, as well as being a more comfortable venue for CWA members volunteering their time.

“Our members volunteer every Saturday to run the Inverell Shire Library branch in Delungra, which is open to the public 10.00am – 11.00am and we’re now looking at the possibility of extending those hours, as well as hosting all Gwydir Group functions here at the Delungra Rooms”.

Mrs. Shephard says all CWA meetings and events are open to members and non-members alike.

Image: L-R Inverell Shire Council’s Scott Norman with Delungra CWA President Mary Shephard, CWA State Vice President Roma Bundock, Mayor Paul Harmon and Treasurer Kerry McDonald.

Image: L-R Inverell Shire Council’s Scott Norman with Delungra CWA President Mary
Shephard, CWA State Vice President Roma Bundock, Mayor Paul Harmon and Treasurer Kerry McDonald.


For further information contact:
Fiona Adams | Inverell Shire Council | PO Box 138, Inverell NSW 2360 | (02) 6728 8288 |



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Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm

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Inverell NSW 2360

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